With Save This Date you can instantly and efficiently receive Rsvps from all your event guests. With a click of a button a text message will be sent to all your guests asking them to rsvp with how many guests will attend your event. The text messages are sent by the Save The Date virtual numbers (ie not from your phone number). Your guests are redirected to the event page where they select number of guests that will attend.
You will see all Rsvp's in the RSVP report which is an online updating report. This report shows all RSVPing guests, their names, the number of invited guests and the number of attending guests. For example you will see that a guest named Kelly Mann, you invited 3 guests and she RSVP'd for 2 guests. The report will also show the sum of RSVPing guests for the event.
There are additional buttons which lets you send another text message only to guests who didn't respond or for example only to the attending guests (useful for event reminders etc).
By using Save The Date you can save a lot of money on unattending guests who will not come to your event if though you were sure they would. The RSVP report can be exported to Excel or other files.
Wishing you a productive use of the app
Save The Date Team