Save This Date app

Save This Date

Stop losing money for non attending guests!
Use Save This Date app and receive online Rsvp's from your guests using text messages and Whatsapp.

Create your event in Save This Date app and get tools to plan and manage it, including:
Save the Date invitation, online rsvp invitations, Guest lists management, Guests RSVP,
Expense tracking, Seating arrangements, Online Wedding Rsvp using Whatsapp and text messages and more.

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Rsvp's Received

Why choose Save This Date?

Receive Online Rsvps With Save This Date, the premier Rsvp website and Rsvp app

Thousands of users have already created their online rsvp website using Save This Date app and started their online wedding Rsvp or online event Rsvp on the app.

Create your free Rsvp website and share it for free with your family and friends by Whatsapp or , starting at a single charge of 7 USD, you can send Sms text messages to all your guests requesting them to RSVP to the event, all that with a single mouse click. We also offer Rsvp by Whatsapp so your guests can receive a styled invitation for your event.
Your guest can rsvp using the digital Rsvp website or just by replying to the Whatsapp Rsvp message or Text Rsvp message they received.
All online Rsvps will display in your account within seconds!

Create a free event now!


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